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Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective?

Have you ever wondered which method is more effective for attracting deer to your property: Hanging deer feeders or food plots? This question has sparked great debate among hunting enthusiasts and wildlife managers alike. Your goal is to create an environment that not only attracts deer but also sustains them through different seasons. Let’s break down the advantages and disadvantages of both hanging deer feeders and food plots and find out which option might be best for you.

Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective?

Check out the Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective? here.

The Basics of Hanging Deer Feeders

Hanging deer feeders are an increasingly popular choice for both novice and veteran wildlife managers. These devices distribute food like corn, acorns, or specialized deer feed, fulfilling the immediate nutritional needs of deer in a localized area.

Ease of Use

Using hanging deer feeders is relatively straightforward. You fill the feeder with your feed of choice, hang it from a tree or sturdy fixture, and let it do its job. Brands like Moultrie and American Hunter offer user-friendly models with programmable settings to regulate feeding times.


  1. Controlled Distribution: With programmable settings, you can control the exact amount of feed dispensed.
  2. Minimal Setup: Unlike food plots, hanging feeders require minimal site preparation.
  3. Portability: Easily moved from one location to another as needed.


  1. Dependency: Deer may become overly dependent on feeders and less likely to forage naturally.
  2. Cost: While setup is straightforward, the cost of feed can add up over time.
  3. Limited Nutritional Variety: Most feed options do not offer a diverse array of nutrients compared to a well-planned food plot.

Different Types of Hanging Deer Feeders

A deeper understanding of the different types can help you choose the best hanging deer feeder for your needs.

Gravity Feeders

Gravity feeders like those from Boss Buck and Gravity Fed rely on gravity to dispense feed. These feeders are simple to use and do not need batteries or solar panels.

Electric Feeders

Electric feeders from brands such as Highwild and On Time Wildlife Feeders use a motor to dispense feed. These can be programmed to release food at specific times, attracting deer consistently.

Feature Gravity Feeders Electric Feeders
Power Source None (Gravity) Batteries or Solar
User Control Low High
Maintenance Low Medium/High
Cost Lower Higher

Solar and Battery-Powered Feeders

For those who prefer electric feeders but worry about battery replacement, solar-powered feeders by KUMFJ are an excellent option. These feeders are environmentally friendly and can save you time and money on maintenance.

Discover more about the Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective?.

The Basics of Food Plots

Food plots are cultivated areas where you plant specific crops to provide a nutritious food source for deer. Unlike hanging feeders, food plots require more prep work but can offer more balanced nutrition in the long run.

Initial Setup

Setting up a food plot involves considerable planning and labor. However, once established, a food plot provides year-round benefits.


  1. Nutritional Variety: A well-planned food plot can offer multiple types of nutrients.
  2. Natural Foraging: Encourages deer to forage naturally, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.
  3. Longevity: Properly maintained food plots can serve as a long-term food source.


  1. Labor-Intensive: Requires significant time and effort to set up and maintain.
  2. Weather Dependent: Heavy reliance on favorable weather conditions for crop growth.
  3. Costly Initial Investment: High upfront costs for seeds, soil preparation, and planting equipment.

Essential Components of Food Plots

Understanding the core elements of a successful food plot can help you make an informed decision.

Soil Quality

Quality soil is the backbone of any effective food plot. Testing and amending your soil ensures that your crops get the nutrients they need.

Crop Selection

Selecting the right crops is crucial. Options like clover, soybeans, and brassicas offer different benefits and grow at various times of the year.


Regular maintenance, including watering, weeding, and replanting, is essential to keep your food plot thriving.

Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective?

Comparing Costs: Hanging Deer Feeders vs. Food Plots

Understanding the financial investment required for each option can be a crucial deciding factor.

Expense Type Hanging Deer Feeders Food Plots
Initial Cost Medium High
Ongoing Cost High (Feed) Medium (Maintenance)
Labor Low High
Equipment Minimal Extensive (tractors, seeders, fertilizers)

Nutritional Impact on Deer

The nutritional value of the food you provide plays a significant role in the health and growth of the deer population.

What Feeders Provide

Hanging feeders typically dispense corn and other grains that are high in carbohydrates, which are excellent for energy but lack diversity in nutrients.

What Food Plots Provide

Food plots offer a more varied diet, including high-protein legumes, vitamins, and minerals crucial for deer health. A well-balanced diet results in stronger, healthier deer.

Behavioral Impact on Deer

The method you choose can affect deer behavior and their interaction with the environment.

Feeders’ Behavioral Impact

Feeders may cause deer to become overly reliant on easy food, which can deter natural foraging behaviors.

Food Plots’ Behavioral Impact

Deer feeding on food plots are more likely to engage in natural foraging, benefiting the overall ecosystem.

Environmental Considerations

Your choice can also impact the surrounding environment and biodiversity.

Feeders and the Environment

Feeders can lead to localized degradation of land due to overgrazing and concentrated foot traffic. Spilled feed can attract unintended wildlife, leading to potential conflicts.

Food Plots and the Environment

Well-planned food plots can enhance biodiversity by providing habitats and food for a variety of species. However, they may require chemical treatments that could affect the natural flora and fauna.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Always consider local regulations and ethical implications before choosing a method.

Feeding Regulations

Some regions have strict regulations regarding the use of deer feeders to mitigate the spread of diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Always check local laws.

Ethical Hunting

Food plots generally align more closely with ethical hunting practices as they encourage natural foraging behaviors and provide broader ecosystem benefits.

When to Use Both Methods

There are situations where combining both methods may be the best approach to managing your deer population.

Complementary Use

You can use feeders to supplement the nutrition provided by food plots, especially during harsher seasons when natural forage is scarce.

Situational Flexibility

In regions with poor soil quality or where establishing a food plot is not feasible, feeders can offer a viable alternative. Conversely, in areas with ample space and fertile soil, food plots provide long-term sustenance.

Making the Final Decision

Choosing between hanging deer feeders and food plots ultimately depends on your specific goals, available resources, and environmental conditions.

North Star: Your Priorities

  • Convenience: If you prefer minimal effort and quick results, hanging deer feeders might be more suitable.
  • Long-Term Impact: For those aiming for sustainable deer populations and ecosystem health, food plots offer more substantial benefits.

Tying It All Together

Your choice impacts not only the deer population but also the broader ecosystem, legal regulations, and ethical considerations. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of each method to make an informed decision that aligns with your wildlife management goals.


Hanging deer feeders and food plots each offer distinct advantages and drawbacks. By understanding your priorities and the specific needs of your deer population, you can make a more informed and effective choice. Whether you opt for the convenience of feeders or the long-term benefits of food plots, your decision will play a crucial role in the health and sustainability of the wildlife on your property.

Check out the Hanging Deer Feeders Vs. Food Plots: Which Is More Effective? here.

Joseph Moore

I'm Joseph Moore, the founder of Deer Feeder Reviews. As a passionate wildlife enthusiast and experienced hunter, I created this site to provide you with expert reviews, comparisons, and educational content about deer feeders. Whether you're looking for the latest automatic feeder or interested in DIY alternatives, I have you covered. My detailed guides and maintenance tips will help you make informed purchasing decisions and keep your feeders in top condition. Join our community for engaging discussions and shared insights. At Deer Feeder Reviews, I am dedicated to enhancing your wildlife feeding experience. Welcome to the premier online destination for all things deer feeders.