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The Role Of Scent Control In Hanging Deer Feeder Success

Have you ever wondered why scent control is crucial when setting up your hanging deer feeders? If you’re serious about attracting deer to your feeder, understanding the role of scent control is essential. This topic often gets overlooked, but it can make a significant difference in your hunting or wildlife observation efforts.

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Understanding Scent Control

Why Scent Matters

Your scent is a basic yet often ignored element. Deer possess an acute sense of smell, which they use as a primary survival tool. They can easily detect human scent, which can deter them from approaching your hanging feeder. By managing your scent effectively, you can create an environment that feels safe for the deer, making them more likely to return.

The Science Behind Deer’s Sense of Smell

To understand why scent control is important, you should know that deer have about 297 million olfactory receptors in their noses, dwarfing the average human’s 5 million. This heightened sense allows them to detect even the faintest whiffs of danger. Therefore, your objective is to minimize any unnatural smells that may tip them off.

Types of Scent Control

Scent-Free Clothing

Scent-free clothing can be a game-changer. Several brands produce scent-eliminating garments that reduce human odor. Wearing these clothes while installing or refilling your hanging feeder can help you go undetected.

Scent Elimination Sprays

Sprays designed to neutralize scents are another tool in your arsenal. Spritzing yourself and your equipment with these sprays can help mask any lingering human odors before you approach the feeder site.

Scent Control for Equipment

Your hanging deer feeder and other equipment can carry your scent if not properly managed. Make sure to wipe down your gear with scent-neutralizing wipes. Additionally, consider storing your equipment in scent-free containers when not in use.

The Role Of Scent Control In Hanging Deer Feeder Success

Check out the The Role Of Scent Control In Hanging Deer Feeder Success here.

Steps to Implement Effective Scent Control

Site Preparation

Before setting up your feeder, it’s crucial to minimize your scent in the area. This includes wearing scent-free clothing, using scent-elimination sprays, and moving calmly to prevent sweating, which can produce human odor.

Handling Your Feeder

Whether you’re setting up a Moultrie, American Hunter, or other brands such as WILDGAME INNOVATIONS or SolutionsPatIQ, always handle your feeder with gloves that have been treated with scent-neutralizing spray. This prevents any body oils and scents from transferring to the equipment.

Refilling the Feeder

When refilling your deer feeder, use similar precautions. Transport the feed in airtight containers and minimize the time spent at the feeder. Quick actions reduce the chances of leaving a human scent trail.

Brand-Specific Tips for Using Hanging Deer Feeders


Moultrie feeders are known for their durability and effectiveness. To ensure their success, wipe down all parts with a scent-neutralizing cloth before and after each use. Utilize their digital timers effectively to minimize trips.

American Hunter

American Hunter feeders often come with built-in scent minimization features. Make sure to replace any scent control elements regularly to maintain effectiveness.


For WILDGAME INNOVATIONS feeders, keeping the setup location clear of human scent is essential. Consider using their scent-dispersing accessories to further minimize detection by deer.

The Role Of Scent Control In Hanging Deer Feeder Success

The Importance of Location

Wind Direction

Even with excellent scent control, a poorly chosen feeder location can make your efforts futile. Always place your feeder considering the wind direction to ensure that your scent is carried away from the feeding area.

Natural Cover

Setting up your hanging feeder in an area with ample natural cover can help reduce the chances of your scent wafting to curious deer. Dense trees, bushes, or other vegetation can serve as natural barriers.

Myths About Scent Control

“Some Scent is Okay”

A common misconception is that a little bit of human scent won’t bother deer, but that’s far from the truth. Deer are keenly aware of even small amounts of unfamiliar odor and will avoid areas they deem risky.

“Scent Control is Too Complicated”

Another myth is that scent control is overly complicated or time-consuming. While it does require diligence, the steps are straightforward and quickly become second nature. With a bit of practice, you can seamlessly integrate scent control into your routine.


You’ve now seen how crucial scent control is to the success of your hanging deer feeder. By understanding the deer’s keen sense of smell and implementing effective scent control measures, you can significantly improve your chances of attracting them to your feeder. Brands like Moultrie, American Hunter, and WILDGAME INNOVATIONS offer tools and features that, when combined with rigorous scent control practices, can lead to fruitful results. Remember, every detail counts when it comes to scent control, making it an indispensable part of your wildlife management strategy.

Learn more about the The Role Of Scent Control In Hanging Deer Feeder Success here.

Joseph Moore

I'm Joseph Moore, the founder of Deer Feeder Reviews. As a passionate wildlife enthusiast and experienced hunter, I created this site to provide you with expert reviews, comparisons, and educational content about deer feeders. Whether you're looking for the latest automatic feeder or interested in DIY alternatives, I have you covered. My detailed guides and maintenance tips will help you make informed purchasing decisions and keep your feeders in top condition. Join our community for engaging discussions and shared insights. At Deer Feeder Reviews, I am dedicated to enhancing your wildlife feeding experience. Welcome to the premier online destination for all things deer feeders.